Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a solemn day on which we honor the 1.8 million men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. Regardless of gender, race,…
Memorial Day is a solemn day on which we honor the 1.8 million men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. Regardless of gender, race,…
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” William Morris Surround yourself with art you love! The most…
Whether you choose your home’s artwork with painstaking precision or impulsively decide on a quick décor fix, we often fail to think about how our choices will fare over time.…
Looking for the perfect gift for a new homeowner or that friend or family member who just can’t get enough of the holidays? ShopTheGreatFrameUpArt has many picture-perfect solutions! In addition…
Put the finishing touches on your holiday décor with beautiful images from ShopTheGreatFrameUpArt.com. Whether you’re spending the holidays in a mountain cabin, in the tropics, or anywhere in between, we…
Looking for the perfect gift for a new homeowner or that friend or family member who just can’t get enough of the holidays? ShopTheGreatFrameUpArt has many picture-perfect solutions! In addition to…
Can you believe how fast they grow up? Before you know it they’re out the door and on their own. And YOU have a closet full of keepsakes! A custom…
Your pet isn’t just… “a pet,” your pet is family! Really – how many adorable pictures do you have on your phone of your precious pooch? Or of that crazy,…
Does the idea of finally putting those pictures on the wall give you anxiety? Do you cringe when you think of poking (more) holes in the wall…? Hanging the perfect…
So you’ve found the perfect piece, and you know the perfect place… But do you know the perfect height? While there are no absolutes in how or where to hang…