Unexpected Items to Frame
Looking for something unique to frame and display on your walls? We have some options for you! Architectural Plans – Framed architectural plans make an interesting and different conversation piece.…
Looking for something unique to frame and display on your walls? We have some options for you! Architectural Plans – Framed architectural plans make an interesting and different conversation piece.…
Make your home your happy place! Fill your home with décor that reflects your personal style. Here are a few tips to help transition your house into a home. Create a…
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” William Morris Surround yourself with art you love! The most…
It’s always interesting to see the artwork used on television and movie sets. This article, “Pork Chops and Apple Sauce: Appraising the Brady Bunch’s…
So you’ve found the perfect piece, and you know the perfect place… But do you know the perfect height? While there are no absolutes in how or where to hang…